Have the kids outgrown their play set? Is it now just
something in your way in the yard? There comes a time when you everyone
has to remove their child's favorite outside play set and it can be quite a
task! We offer free removal services on any wooden play set! Yes, FREE! We will come and
remove any wooden playscape with no charge to you! Don't mess with Craig’s
List and having to hassle with all the scam emails and no shows! Call
Centex Playscsape Refurbishers and feel confident that things will be handled
by the professionals. Our customers have told story after story of trying
to give away their play set only to become a nightmare of endless emails and
their property being destroyed by someone that didn't take the time to do
things the correct way. We care about you and your property and never
take shortcuts to conserve the beauty of your landscape and home. By
calling us to come remove your play set you will also be helping us put a smile
on another child's face and helping those that can't afford a new play set
since we always try and salvage any useable pieces to use on restored
sets for others that can't quite afford the high prices of a new one!